Archives: Pet Care Articles

How to Keep Your Dog Entertained While at Work

One of the most important things to take into consideration when thinking about getting a dog is whether you can dedicate enough care, time and attention to your new pet. A lonely and bored dog will find a way to fill up time with potentially destructive behaviour, so it’s important to keep your dog entertained […]

When and How to Bathe a Puppy

Bathing your puppy might seem daunting but with a little care, preparation and attention, you’ll both find it a rewarding experience. While most dogs would rather skip bath time, it’s important to learn how to clean your puppy properly and establish a regular cleaning routine. This handy guide has all the information you need to […]

Puppy Care

Caring for a puppy can be costly and time-consuming, but also incredibly rewarding. Your dog’s health, training, socialisation, diet and happiness will be your responsibility for the rest of their life, so it’s important to make sure you give your puppy the best possible start in their new home. The key to a happy and healthy puppy is […]

Cats Fleas and Ticks

Cats are excellent groomers, so it can be difficult to image your feline friend catching parasites. However, fleas and ticks are two of the most common health concerns cats face. If left untreated, these parasites can cause serious health risks for both pets and humans, so it’s important to learn the signs of infestation and be able to tackle […]

Kitten Care

Caring for a kitten can be costly and time-consuming, but also incredibly rewarding. Your kitten’s first year is essential to its physical, social, sexual and behavioural development, so it’s important to make sure you give your kitten the best possible start in their new home.  The key to a happy and healthy kitten is establishing […]

Cat Feeding & Advice

  The key to a happy and healthy cat is establishing a regular feeding routine. As they change from a mischievous kitten into a full-grown adult cat, it’s important to make sure that you give your cat the right balance of proteins, fats and oils, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates with a balanced, nutritious diet.   Cats […]

Here at Webbox, we make tantalisingly tasty pet food and treats to give your pet a spring in their step!

Feeding Advice

The key to a happy and healthy dog is establishing a regular feeding routine. As your tiny playful puppy changes into an adult dog, it’s important to make sure that you give your dog the right balance of proteins, fat and oils, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates with a balanced, nutritious diet.  To maintain your dog’s […]

What dog should I get?

There are many important things you need to consider before you start looking to buy a dog, from finding out whether you and your family are ready, todiscovering which breed is best suited to your lifestyle. The decision to get a dog is not one that should be taken lightly, as it will have a huge impact […]

Your Cat’s Health

Your cat has 5 basic needs that owners are required to provide. They are Environment, Diet, Behaviour, Companionship and Health.  Environment & exercise As well as the obvious things like a comfy, warm place to sleep, cats have some extra particular requirements. They like somewhere to hide where they can feel safe and secure – […]

Cat Obesity

Obesity in cats Obesity is an excess of body fat that is enough to impair health, welfare and quality of life. The main cause is from eating too much or not exercising enough, although some diseases can cause obesity. Obesity is a serious welfare issue in pets because it can cause a lot of unnecessary […]


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