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Tag: Tips

Top Tips For How To Get Cats And Dogs To Live Together

When it comes to dogs and cats, getting them to coexist in harmony is easier said than done. It’s true that they’re two totally different species with opposing habits and instincts. However, let’s get this out there…cats and dogs not being able to live with each other is a myth. Bringing a new dog into […]


Best Dog Beaches

During the summer months we all love a trip to the beach, including your furry best friend. Walking across the sandy and stony beaches is a great experience for your dog, especially being able to run through the shallow waters sweeping in and out. It can be a memorable day for all of the family. […]


National Hugging Day

National Hugging Day is celebrated on the 21st of January each year and is dedicated to hugging and encouraging people to hug their friends and family more often. But should we be hugging our pets? This is a question that not everyone is agreed on. Previous studies have shown that humans shouldn’t hug their dogs […]


5 dental tips for cats and dogs

We all know we need to look after our teeth and it’s no different for our pets. In fact, it’s particularly important to make sure you take steps to combat dental disease in your pets as it’s known to affect 78% of dogs and 68% of cats over the age of 3. Dental disease doesn’t […]


10 quirky presents you need to give to your dog at Christmas

As the festive season takes over daily lives and you’re consumed by the rush of Christmas shopping for friends and family, you might forget to include your pets in the celebration. Fear not though, we’ve put together 10 of our favourite quirky gift ideas for your dogs, so that they can be included in the […]


10 quirky presents you need to give to your cat at Christmas

Christmas is a time of celebration for all the family, including your pets, so we’ve put together a list of quirky gifts you can buy for your feline family members. Aside from your average cat toys, there are a host of fun options available, from fancy cat homes complete with balconies to luxury spa pampering […]

Here at Webbox, we make tantalisingly tasty pet food and treats to give your pet a spring in their step!

5 top tips for a healthy and happy dog

At Webbox, your pet’s health is our number one priority and keeping your dog fit and healthy is a must to ensure they remain happy, especially throughout the cold winter months. We are constantly reminded of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a balance between eating well and exercising regularly, and dogs need that […]


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