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5 top tips to getting pet hair’s off clothes and furniture

With great pet owning, comes great pet hair removing. Though our furry four-legged friends are extremely cute and cuddly, their constant shedding and moulting can be testing at times. Cleaning cat and dog hairs off a rug or your favourite jeans can be quite frustrating. So here are 5 easy tips and tricks to help you remove pet hairs from your clothes and furniture:

1.       Rubber gloves- these yellow gloves are very handy with getting those pesky pet hairs off of your rugs and sofas! Put them on and lightly dampen them, then run them over the fabric of your furniture. The friction from the glove will lift the hair from the surface and leave it squeaky clean.

2.       Damp sponge- another item from the washing-up bowl which works wonders! Similar to the rubber gloves, lightly dampen your sponge and then wipe it over the piece of clothing or furniture that is covered in hairs. This will remove any unwanted sheds of fur and make them look as good as new.     

3.       Lint roller- these are particularly handy when you’re in a rush. Pop them into your bag when you’re on the go and if you spot some fur on your sleeve, just run the roller over the patch to remove it. You can find these in a number of clothing shops and supermarkets for next to nothing! 

4.       Rubber broom- no need to fret about cat or dog hairs on your carpet! The rubber bristles will pull the engrained hairs from your carpet or rug and leave it looking spick and span.

5.       Sellotape- very simple but very helpful! Wrap some sellotape around your hands and then apply the sticky side to the unwanted hair to remove it. Perfect for if you’re at work or on the go!


Now that spring has sprung and moulting season has begun, these 5 tips and tricks should come in handy. If you have any more top tips, share them with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages! 


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