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5 Signs you’re Obsessed with Pets

We all love our pets. This is inarguable. But some people really, really love their pets, to the point that their furry-friends take over their life. But the important question is this: have you become obsessed with your pet? Thankfully, we’ve identified some key characteristics to help you discover if you truly have become a pet addict.


 1.      Every dog or cat must be petted.

To paraphrase Celine Dion: near, far, wherever you are, if you are a dog or cat, you will be petted by an animal lover. To all dog pooch fans, there’s nothing they love more than running to the nearest furbaby and giving them all the love and attention they can possibly give. So be warned; if you’re in the vicinity of a cute pet, it won’t be long until a canine or feline-obsessed hooman makes their way over.


 2.      Your pet basically owns you.

Your pet can get you to do anything they want, and they know it too. As much as you try to deny them another treat, or tell them they’re not allowed on the bed for the 100th time, they will always pull out the big sad eyes and get their own way. Yes, there’s only one master in your household, and it’s definitely not you.


 3.      You spend more on your pet than on yourself.

You want to give your pet the finest things that money can buy so you can show how much you love them. Whether it’s the finest toys or that cute outfit you saw online and couldn’t resist, shopping for your pet truly does become an addiction. Even to the point that buying things for yourself becomes less of a priority. Why treat yourself when you can treat your perfect furbaby again?


 4.      Your social media has more pictures of your pet than you.

Your pet is the cutest thing in the world, and you want everyone else to know that too. That’s why your Facebook and Instagram is filled with pics of your adorable furry friend, and maybe a couple of images of you too. Even for those people who have set up accounts for their pets to show themselves off, their own accounts are still filled with pet pics. The world should see how cute your pet is, so every pic you post online has to feature your little cutie.


 5.      You’ve accepted that you constantly have hair on you.

Before you had your pet, you always looked presentable when out in public. Now, you have so much hair on you all the time, some people mistake you for a wookie. But it’s ok because it’s your pet’s hair. They’ve shed themselves all over your best clothes so much that your clothes have basically become hair, but as long as your pet is happy, that’s all that matters.


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