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4 Reasons To Become A Pet Parent

In the UK 53% of women and 35% of men call themselves their pet’s ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’ – we’re a nation of animal lovers and enjoy nothing more than showing our furry friends just how much we care. Becoming a pawrent can be a big responsibility, but also provides so many rewards and benefits to look forward to.

We’ve rounded up our four favourite reasons why pet parenthood can be a gift, but be aware there isn’t a one size fits routine and different pets can bring you joy in lots of different ways.


If you’re feeling lonely, or just want someone to confide in that shows you, unconditional love, you should consider welcoming a pet into your life. And you’ll be in good company; companionship is the most popular reason for owning a pet, with 54% of owners agreeing with this. Having an animal as a companion has been found to improve our physical, emotional, and social wellbeing – with these effects especially being seen in children and the elderly.


It’s no secret that having a pet requires a lot of responsibility, but this can help you form a daily routine and ultimately help you feel more balanced, with 18% of pet Mum’s and Dad’s stating this as their main reason for ownership. Pet’s need to eat, sleep, exercise, go to the toilet and enjoy leisurely activities – just as us hoomans do – so organising your day to cater for both of your needs is essential. Dogs, in particular, can have a positive impact on our routines as they require regular walks, often helping to boost our day-to-day physical activity.

Bedtime cuddles

Pets on or off the bed? A dispute as old as time, it’s clear that bedtime routines are still a highly debated topic between pet owners in the UK. You may prefer to keep your bedroom a pet-free zone like 81% of owners over 55, however, we think one of the best things about having a four-legged friend around the house is bedtime cuddles – plus who doesn’t like waking up by their pet licking their face?

Act of kindness

If you’ve decided to become a proud pawrent, where to purchase your furry bestie from is the next big decision to make. With 31% of people becoming owners to give rescue animals a good home, adoption is an option that should be considered. Pet overpopulation is a serious problem across the UK, with over 47,000 pets being lost or abandoned each year.

If you’re thinking about becoming a pet parent, use our Dog Breed Decider to discover your perfect breed >>

All figures are from the YouGov Plc – Proud Pet Parent Survey.



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